Journals Links
Elsevier Journals
Applied Mathematical Modelling (AMM), (JCR一区top,小类是工程二区)
Applied Mathematics and Computation (AMC), (JCR二区top)
Computers & Operations Research (COR), Editorial Board, SCI,中科院3区。(Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science (SORMS) has been incorporated into Computers & Operations Research.)
Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE), Editorial Board
Decision Support Systems (DSS), SCI,中科院2区Top
Energy Policy, SCI, SSCI,中科院1区Top
European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Editorial Board
Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), SCI,中科院2区Top
Information and Management, SCI
International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), Editorial Board, SCI,中科院2区Top
Journal of Cleaner Production (JCP), SCI
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, SCI, SSCI
Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Editorial Board, SCI, SSCI,中科院1区Top
Omega - The International Journal of Management Science (OMEGA), Editorial Board, SCI, SSCI,中科院1区Top
Operations Research Letters, SCI,中科院4区
Technovation, SCI, SSCI,中科院2区 (This interdisciplinary journal encompasses all facets of technological innovation.)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, SCI, SSCI
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, SCI, SSCI
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, SCI
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, SCI, SSCI
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, SCI, SSCI
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, SSCI
Springer Journals
4OR, SCI (4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research is jointly published by the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research Societies.)
Annals of Operations Research (AOR), SCI, SSCI,中科院3区
Central European Journal of Operations Research, SCI, (Austrian Society of Operations Research),中科院4区
Computational Management Science, No indexing in SCI
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, No indexing in SCI
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, SCI
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, SCI,中科院3区
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, SCI,中科院3区
Journal of Productivity Analysis, SSCI
Knowledge-Based Systems, SCI,中科院2区
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (MMOR), SCI (This journal is jointly sponsored by the German OR Society and the Dutch OR Society. It features contributions to mathematics, statistics, and computer science that have special relevance to operations research.)
Operational Research, SCI,中科院4区
Operations Management Research, SSCI (Operations Management Research: Advancing Practice through Theory publishes short, focused research studies that advance the theory and practice of operations management.)
OR Spectrum, SCI,中科院3区
Quality & Quantity, SCI, SSCI,中科院4区
Scientometrics, SCI, SSCI,中科院2区 (An International Journal for all Quantitative Aspects of the Science of Science, Communication in Science and Science Policy)
Queueing Systems (QS), SCI
Top, SCI (An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research)
Transportation, SCI
Math Journals
Applied Mathematics and Computation, SCI,中科院2区Top
Applied Mathematical Modelling (AMM), Editorial Board,中科院1区Top
Computational Optimization and ApplicationsSCI,中科院3区
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, SCI, 2区Top
Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal, SCI, 4区,阿塞拜疆
Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM), SCI, 4区
Computational and Applied Mathematics, SCI, 4区
Open Access Hindawi Journal: Complexity, SCI, 29%, 62d, 67d, USD2000,中科院3区
Open Access Hindawi Journal: Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, SCI, 23%, 51d, 43d, USD2000
Open Access Hindawi Journal: Mathematical Problems in Engineering (MPE), SCI, 22%, 64d, 45d, USD2000,中科院4区
Open Access Hindawi Journal: Scientific Programming, SCI, 30%, 56d, 55d, USD1750
Open Access MDPI journal: Energies, SCI, EI, 31d, 8d, CHF1500,中科院3区
Open Access PLOS journal: PLOS ONE, SCI, USD1495,中科院3区
Emerald Journal: Management Decision, SSCI
World Scientific: Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (APJOR), SCI, 新加坡,中科院4区
World Scientific: International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, SCI
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, SCI,中科院2区Top
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, SCI, SSCI,中科院3区
InderScience: European Journal of Industrial Engineering, SCI,中科院4区
InderScience: International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, EI