Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Shengping Zhang (phd student), Bisheng Du*. Tracing or not: How can the supplier of geographical indication products benefit from different traceability strategies? Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 184, October 2023, 109516. Link
Bisheng Du*, Jia Yuan, Wenwen Shu, Yuntong Shen. Optimal product customization and cooperative advertising strategies in supply chain with social influence. Procedia Computer Science, 2023, 221, 992-999. (EI) Link
Xi Zhang (undergraduate student), Shengping Zhang (phd student), Bisheng Du*. Full Cooperation or Partial Cooperation? Logistics Service Sharing and Retailer’s Redistribution in Competitive Online Channels. Systems, 2023, 11(7), 358. (SSCI, JCR Q2) Link
Zhangwei Feng, Na Luo, Bisheng Du, Haorui Wang. Third-party remanufacturing modes with integrated tax-subsidy policy. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2023.
Bisheng Du*, Zhenfang Li, Jia Yuan, Jingyi Zheng, Wenwen Shu and Yao Jin*. Customer’s Channel Selection Behavior on Purchasing Standardized and Customized Products: Optimized Prices and Channel Performances. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022.
Zhenfang Li, Jia Yuan, Bisheng Du*, Junhao Hu, Wenwen Yuan, Lorenzo Palladini, Bing Yu*, Yan Zhou. Customer Behavior on Purchasing Channels of Sustainable Customized Garment With Perceived Value and Product Involvement. Frontiers in Psychology. 2020.
Ran Liu, Bisheng Du*, Wenwen Yuan, Guiping Li*. Competing Reverse Channels’ Performance with Sustainable Recycle Innovation Input. Applied Sciences. 2020.
Bing Yu, Yuying Cai, Laiqun Jin, Bisheng Du*. Effects on Willingness to Pay for Marine Conservation: Evidence from Zhejiang Province, China. Sustainability, 10(7): 2298, 2018. (SSCI, SCI)
Bisheng Du*, Qing Liu, Guiping Li*. Coordinating Leader-Follower Supply Chain with Sustainable Green Technology Innovation on Their Fairness Concerns. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 14(11):1357, 2017.
Bisheng Du, Christian Larsen. Base stock policies with degraded service to larger orders. International Journal of Production Economics, 133(1):326-333, 2011.
Working Paper
Other Publications
Bisheng Du. Essays on Advance Demand Information, Prioritization and Real Options in Inventory Management. Ph.D. thesis, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Denmark, May 2011.
Zhen Lu, Peng Yu, and Bisheng Du. Research on the price policy of reverse logistics in e-business
with time value. Research Report. School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, 2007.
卢震,于鹏,杜碧升。供应链绩效评价的研究现状和发展趋势,管理科学与工程2006年年会论文集,2006 年
Textbook: Electronic Business: Theory and Practice.
(Editors: Jianhong Sun, Bisheng Du, Xintian Wang, etc.)
Publisher: Chemical Industrial Press, 2016.
The parts of ‘‘E-Business and Logistics’’ and ‘‘E-Business Safty and Payment’’.
参编《电子商务理论与实践》教材。编者:孙建红,杜碧升,王昕天等. 化学工业出版社,2016.
Textbook of Supply Chain and Logistics Management. (Editors: Shizheng Guo, Zhen Lu).
Publisher: Mechanical Industrial Press in China, 2008. Wrote one part (with 4 chapters) on IT in Supply Chain Management.
Chapter 10, Supply Chain and Logistics Management under ECommerce. 第 10 章,电子商务下的供应链与物流管理;
Chapter 11, The Third-Party Logistics. 第 11 章:第三方物流;
Chapter 12, Information Technologies in Supply Chain and Logistics Management. 第 12 章:供应链与物流管理的信息化技术;
Chapter 13, Logistics Information System. 第 13 章:物流信息系统。